– Community Outreach Mentalhealth Awareness Program

COMAP is a unique model of reaching out to people with mental illnesses and various stakeholders in remotest areas. Deva Foundation is working for awareness about mental health through COMAP (Community Outreach Mentalhealth Awareness Program).

Through this non profit outreach educational program we provide comprehensive, culturally appropriate and scientific health care practices for persons of all age groups belongings to all strata of the society and their families.

Services are provided in community settings of those areas which are devoid of basic psychiatric facilities. Along with providing them treatment the emphasis is on education, eradication of myths, partnering, understanding grass root reality, recognizing the role and potential of even the last one in the chain.


The USPs of COMAP model are:

  • In a single day three kinds of population are targeted for edcuation and awareness:
    • patient population with their caregivers,
    • stakeholders and
    • medical doctors.
  • Affordable mental health services
  • Psychaitric consultations at door steps
  • Multidisciplinary services on a single platform
  • Strengthening mental health network through stakeholders sensitization.
  • Joining hands with medical practitioners for mental helath

THE IMPACT: Since 2017, Deva Foundation approached Goverenment of UP and discussed the existing model of COMAP. The processes were done via distrcit magistrates. Governments have become receptive to mental health issues and therefore DM of the particular district arranges the camps in his individual capacity. Mass advertisment of camps is done in two weeks advance through pamphlets, posters, announcements and newepapers. Commom symptoms of mental health disorders are printed on awareness materials. Through Government participation, pharmacy is also operational during camps. The patient families are provided with medicines at highly subsidized rate. Awareness level have shown marked improvement as about 12000 patients and caregivers are targeted per year


Objectives of COMAP

  1. Advocacy and awareness of mental health
  2. Promotion of mental health treatment and services
  3. Providing at the door mental health services to poor and underprivileged
  4. Liasoning with other medical branches for widening and strengthening mental health


Why We Need COMAP

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.

On the other hand mental illnesses are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or in behaviour and some combination of all those associated with distress and/or impaired functioning (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).


The mental health problems are very common. Do you know?

  • One in four people will experience mental health problems in their lifetime.
  • In every year 1000 persons, about 300 people experience some and the other mental health problem.
  • 5 out of 10 major causes of disability are mental health related – Major Psychiatric Disorders.
  • Median prevalence of mental disorders is 65.4 per 1000 at any given time (6.5%).


In spite of huge load and alarming numbers, the treatment gap is of 90%. Reasons are:

  • Psychiatrist catering 85000 people
  • Myths
  • Faith healing system
  • Understanding of mental illness
  • Prevalent stigma
    Available medical services
  • Duration of treatment

It includes:

  1. Assessment
  2. Case management
  3. Pharmacological advice
  4. Psychosocial intervention for patients and their families
  5. Creating mass awareness for mental health
  6. Advocacy
  7. Individual training to work as stakeholders in process of sensitization and identification of each person in need.


Mental Health Awareness is a key component of National Health Policy.
Efforts towards awareness though laudable are in silos and sporadic.

The model was invented by Deva Foundation – mission for mankind in 2008. It evolved over time. Operations started in 2009. Deva Foundation is a registered social charitable trust which works in field of mental health and women empowerment since 2010. COMAP is an unique method of reaching out to remotest area regarding awareness of mental health via education camps unlike usual treatment camps.

Evolution: After 2 years of operations it was realised that only awareness program wasn’t able to serve the purpose as turnout was very less in the camps. It was realised that focus need to be more on treatment than information. Hence, we combined treatment with education and awareness – current model of COMAP.

The unique model of COMAP is inclusive of:

Education and treatment camp

A multidisciplinary team comprising of Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychiatric Social Worker, Special Educators, psychiatric nurses and a medical doctor reaches the camp in morning. The first half of the day is dedicated for treatment camp where on an average 400 to 600 patients visit with their caregivers. There is display of video clips and PPTs of common mental and behavioural disorders on projector screen. Also the distribution materials like IEC of different disorders are provided to patients and families visiting the camp.

Stakeholders meeting

Stakeholders meeting is organised during post lunch period where influential or resourceful persons like school principals & teachers, village pradhans and panchayats, development officers, government officials, and active members of clubs –Rotary, Lions etc were called for sensitization meeting. The meeting generally starts with a session on common mental health disorders followed by question answer sessions and discussions.

Medical doctors sensitization programme

Medical doctors sensitization programme is conducted by Psychiatrist in late evening with in association with local medical organisations. The pre-selected psychiatric cases from local practitioners are discussed in detail, thus providing a real time and hands on psychitric training.


COMAP team comprises of highly qualified and experienced mental health professionals:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Psychiatric social worker
  • Special educators
  • Counselors
  • Psychiatric nurses
  • You
Our Mission

To provide mental health services to people in remote areas and spread awareness related to mental health and treatment.

Mental Health for all

Contact Us

B 27/70 MN,Durgakund, Varanasi, 221005

+91 54223 10815
