
– One of the largest Center for Psychosocial rehabilitation & Wellness

ANVITA is derived from Sanskrit word “अन्वित” means joyful and graceful life, one who bridges the gap. Taking from here Deva Foundation pledges to found Nation’s first one of its kind Rehabilitation centre and wellness centre in name of ANVITA. It is located in pristine setting of Chunar, Mirzapur. ANVITA serves wounded souls, reveres humanity and strengthens life. It believes in respect, recovery, re-capacitating, rehabilitation and reintegration of all women and children who are suffering from mental illness, so that they stay independently and live with dignity.

Nestled in the foothills of Vindyachal range, eight acre of rolling landscape of Chunar, situated close to Varanasi on National Highway VII and beside the holiest of rivers, Ganga, ANVITA imparts vibes of serenity and tranquillity. It is the centre Run by women and for women. It is equipped with all modern standard facilities and superior construction.

ANVITA, rehabilitation centre and wellness centre is functional since 1.5 year in Chunar, Mirzapur district. It has one residential block with capacity of 10 units, i.e. 100 persons staying at a time along with all infrastructural facilities mentioned above.

  • Serves wounded souls, reveres humanity and strengthens life.
  • Modern global practices in rehabilitation, research and training will be our benchmark, including seminars, workshops and vocational programs
  • Believes in respect, recovery and re-capacitating with customized programs to suit unique care needs
  • Working together for normalization, rehabilitation and social reintegration
  • Life skills aimed at empowerment and independence will be taught vide standard operating protocols.
  • Accreditation for internal management practices will be sought.
  • Runs on the financial premise of providing high value rehabilitation services at affordable rates for the community through a unique actuarial model.
  • Expert and compassionate care and therapies from team of experienced and qualified professionals with their continued guidance, support and advocacy
  • Focusing spiritual health in natural environment by refreshing the lives with relaxation and recreation
  • Modern standard facilities and superior construction with 24 hours medical care facilities
  • Homely and comfortable living accommodations
  • Safe and medically supervised living for elderly
  • Child-friendly care for child and adolescent
  • Asylum practices of dumping ground by the community will be strongly resisted.
  • NIRMALA – Out Patient Care (OPD)
  • AALAYAM – Adult Residence Block
  • PRASADAM & PARISHRAM – Dining & Seminar Block
    • Kitchen & Dining Hall
    • Board room
    • Therapy Chambers
    • Library
    • Computer Library/Cognition room
    • Gymnasium
    • Half way home
    • Staff Residence
    • Doctors’ Studios
  • Administrative Block
    • Museum
    • Waiting lounge
    • Administrative office
  • Kala Kuteer – Art Gallery
  • Guest house
  • Prayer corner
  • Training workshop Shed
  • Yoga shed
  • Cow Shed – Dairy
  • Tea and Juice corner
  • Designed forest area
  • Parks
  • Flower garden
  • Vegetable garden
  • Agriculture garden
  • Badminton court
  • Jogging track
  • Sports Ground &Play ground
  • E-Rickshaw
  • Solar electricity
  • Rain water harvesting
A day at ANVITA
  • Morning starts with the sounds of chimes run in speakers and give every resident their own individual space to freshen up
  • Then at 7:00 AM all are ready for morning prayers, yoga and meditation
  • After that rest time to have breakfast, bathing and completing morning activities
  • 10 AM is the time to assemble for group meeting, group therapy, group vocational training programs and following their duty roasters
  • 1:00 to 2:00 PM is the lunch time
  • 2 to 3:00 PM is again the rest time
  • 3 PM onwards is individual therapy time, following duty roaster, attending workshops and library time
  • With their tea cups in hands, they can roam around, go for walk, enjoy indoor/outdoor games at 5:00 to 6:00 PM
  • Then evening exercise time and spiritual prayers
  • At 7:00 PM the residents are allowed to watch TV, read magazines, and practice their home works if assigned
  • Dinner bell will ring at 8:00 PM
  • 10:00 PM is the maximum time when lights will be off in each room and all go for sleep.
Success Stories

We would like to share our proud stories of our patients came from societies, admitted by their family support. The patients after three months of rehabilitation program have achieved a lot.

  • Two of them have understood the concept of self-independence and empowerment and they tried and secured job and doing very well at their work places.
  • There are house wives who were not able to take care of their selves have joined 4-6 months of rehabilitation program are now managing their homes and household chores much better than normal.
  • We have stories of separation and divorce very common amongst the women suffering from mental illness, but ANVITA achieved that marital togetherness also.
  • Some of them are staying with her in laws and their husbands with better understanding and better acceptance, even after long years of separation.
  • Female adolescent girls are back to their study curriculum and looking forward for their career and marriage prospects.

Success story, HEMA (name changed), 19 years, Ghazipur

When I met her first time, she was full of energy but very stubborn, not even listening to us, running away, all shabby, and yes of course extremely talkative. She needs care and treatment, she was suffering from manic features and so she was in full swing. The day she visited ANVITA, she added colures to our residential block with her euphoria.

Her hairs were so dirty, that without any choice we had to go for shaving her hair. Skins were infected with scabies and she would scratch herself that blood oozes out of skin irritation. She would not cooperate for putting anti scabies lotion. She would remove her clothes, hide and steal others objects and would create all troubles for staffs. She would start dancing whenever you play any tune, asking for food again and again and if you would tell her to wait, she would become irritable, would throw things on others, started biting, and at times her aggression and anger was so that she was forced to stay in her room under strict supervision.

Medicines started suiting her and she was showing improvement gradually, she would look bewildered and kept asking how I am here? Her dysphoria led her to start planning ways of escape and once she tried so, by sliding out of fire exit sider. Though her efforts were in vein rather she had small injury in her elbow of right hand. That day, with the enormous support and compassion of ANVITA STAFF towards her, she had first insight into her condition. She started cooperating for psycho education sessions, took part in all activities without fail like beads work, gardening, agriculture and field jobs, feeding cattle at ANVITA, stitching and painting etc. She made a small garden in our residential block as a gift to ANVITA.

She recalled her past and started giving details about her escape from home. She depicted the story of her loss, her struggles and threats she met when she was wandering with mental illness. She had all fearful experiences of life during this period of time before she reached ANVITA. Every day in individual psychotherapy session she would come out of new information related to her village and family. Whenever she would mention about her two and half year’s daughter, she would burst out of tears. She expressed guilt of leaving home in illness. She would show gratitude that ANVITA saved her life. She said, ANVITA is her last hope and she believes that she would meet her family just because of ANVITA.

The proactive ANVITA members, without delay compiled the information and tried to trace the family through the support of whole team. Links of information were shared and tits and bits of her address were traced tactfully to reach the right destination. And voila! We found them. They came to meet her, the family who lost their hope of getting her back, were so happy to found her. With the complete legal and govt. formalities, she was entrusted to her family with a very happy and proud note of farewell. The best wishes from ANVITA, instructions for care giving, importance of medical compliance and blessings of love, all were gifted to her at time of discharge. A child found her mother, and a desperate husband got her wife back, great achievement by ANVITA team.

The day she came was 25/9 and the day she went was 6/12. Kudos! We did it in 2 months and 10 days. Cheers for the first Reunion @ ANVITA and wish for many more……..!

कीर्ति, 17 वर्ष, राजस्थान

इन्हीं सफलताओं की कड़ी में एक महत्वपूर्ण नाम है ” कीर्ति” (मनोवैज्ञानिक सिद्धांतों के कारण सही नाम गोपनीय रखा गया है ) । कीर्ति ने जिस दिन इलाज के लिए अन्विता में प्रवेश किया था, उस दिन घर वालों के पास अन्विता में उन्हें छोड़ने के अलावा कोई उपाय नहीं था । उसके व्यवहारिक समस्याएँ इतनी बढ़ गईं थीं कि माता पिता डर गए थे उसे घर में रखने में कि पता नहीं कब क्या अनहोनी हो जाए । आत्महत्या की कोशिश, घर से भाग जाने की धमकियाँ, आए दिन नई माँग, अपने दोष को नहीं मानते हुए परिवार वालों को ज़िम्मेदार ठहराना ऐसे कई लक्षणों के कारण उसको घर में इलाज करना मुश्किल हो गया था । साथ ही अत्यधिक जिद्द, किसी की भी बात से असहमति, प्रत्येक क्षण मन और मूड में बदलाव, और झूठ बोलने की असीम प्रवृत्ति तथा बड़ी बड़ी सोच के कारण किसी भी प्रकार के मनोवैज्ञानिक चिकित्सा करने में कई मुश्किलें आ रही थीं। अन्विता में आने के एक महीने पश्चात तक भी हमें एक समर्पित स्टाफ़ की नियुक्ति केवल कीर्ति लिए करनी पड़ी कि कहीं वो अपना या किसी नुक़सान ना कर बैठे या भाग निकलने की कोशिश में कोई घटना ना हो जाए।

परंतु अन्विता टीम की कड़ी मेहनत और लगन ने धीरे धीरे अपना असर दिखाया और कीर्ति साइकलाजिकल थेरपीज़ लिए भी बैठने लगी । दवाइयाँ, थेरपीज़, अन्विता का ऐक्टिविटी प्लान, वातावरण, व संतुलित देख रेख के कारण उसे अपने बीमारी की बख़ूबी समझ आने लगी । धीरे धीरे उसने अपनी जिम्मदारियों को समझना शुरू किया । परिवार की अहमियत और उनकी ज़रूरत के महत्व के बारे में सोचना शुरू किया । कीर्ति ने तय किया कि वो अपनी दिवाली का त्योहार अन्विता में बीताएगी और उसने अपने तरफ़ से हर सम्भव कोशिश की अन्विता की दिवाली बहुत खुबसुरत हो ।

डिस्चार्ज से कुछ दिनों पहले से उसने अपनी सारी कमियों को पहचानते हुए उसके लिए भरसक प्रयत्न शुरू कर दिए । परिवार वाले जिनका उस पर भरोसा उठ सा गया था उन्होंने दोबारा उसको इस लायक पाया कि उसे फिर से हॉस्टल में रहकर पढ़ने के लिए मौक़ा दिया । उन्हें विश्वास नहीं था कि वो कीर्ति को एक सामान्य व्यक्ति कि तरह अपने भविष्य और पढ़ाई में शामिल पाएँगे जो अन्विता ने तीन माह के समय में कर दिखाया।

Home Away From Home

Mental health is not only most neglected but also the least discussed. Today almost 1 in 5 needs help. The numbers are simply astonishing considering India’s population. Almost 2% of these suffer with “persistent and severe mental illness”. Situation gets worse when it comes to women. Life of women suffering with moderate to severe mental illness is unimaginable. Their plight and agony is beyond comprehension. They are neglected of every possible right. With no options left, large numbers of them leave their homes. They become homeless and their miseries gets multi folded.

With aim to support (treat, rehabilitate and reintegrate) such women, Deva Foundation launched a project called ANVITA. It is nation’s largest all women psychological well-being and psychosocial rehabilitation centre. It is located at Chunar, Mirzapur, 35 kms from Varanasi on NH7. Recognising its work, Govt. of UP decided to send inmates from various destitute homes to ANVITA. Today there are 80 women undergoing rehabilitation.

We have able to send four women back to their home after successful treatment. The present capacity is 100. We wish to build another block for 100 more. The cost of construction is about 8 crores rupees. Once complete, ANVITA will become single largest centre for rehabilitation for homeless and wandering mentally ill girls and women. The cost of rehabilitating one person is between 14000-16000 Rupees per month. Almost 60% of this comes from Govt. of UP. The rest of the amount, almost Rs. 5000-6000 per month has to be self-generated. We need almost one centre like ANVITA in every district of country

Facilities at ANVITA
  • Medical and psychiatric OPD care for indoor residents
  • Helping women healing their souls after mental illness
  • Homely and comfortable living accommodations for women
  • Deliciously freshly prepared meals at clean dining hall
  • Expert and compassionate care and therapies from experienced and qualified professionals
  • Customized programs to suit unique care needs of each woman
  • Continued guidance, support and advocacy
  • Seminar, Workshops and vocational programs
  • Refreshing the lives with relaxation and recreation
  • Focusing spiritual health in natural environment
  • Life skill training
  • Working together for normalization, rehabilitation and Social reintegration
  • Low cost investment to recover the costly losses

This is going to be a very unique concept in history of rehabilitation and reintegration and help these women to achieve self reliance, self dignity and self empowerment.

ANVITA Centers

ANVITA Mirzapur

ANVITA, Anvita Deva Foundation, NH-7 Tumbalganje Chunar , Mirzapur-231304

+91 9305107331

What is rehabiliation?

Psychiatric rehabilitation promotes recovery, full community integration, and improved quality of life for persons who have been diagnosed with any mental health condition that seriously impairs their ability to lead meaningful lives. Psychiatric rehabilitation services are collaborative, person directed, and individualized. These services are an essential element of the health care and human services spectrum, and should be evidence-based.

They focus on helping individuals to develop skills and access resources needed to increase their capacity to be successful and satisfied in the living, working, learning, and social environments of their choice.

  • To learn or re-learn life skills
  • To get your confidence back
  • To cope better without so much help
  • To achieve the things you want to, like living in your own home, getting a job or starting a family
  • To feel independent and comfortable with your life.

Professionals working in ANVITA support people with their particular problems, but, as they get better, adjust this support as needed.

Rehabilitation services will usually work for you for months or years. They will support you as you feel more confident and improve your skills. It can be hard to keep hopeful over these long periods – and the staff will do their best to help you do this.

Usually if you have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, cognitive impairment, dementia, and severe behavioural or adjustment problems, then you are in need. However, only around 1 in every 100 people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia requires rehabilitation. Typical difficulties include:

  • Problems with organizing and planning your daily life – finding it hard to plan and actually carry out what you mean to do.
  • Symptoms of mental illness, such as hearing voices that are distressing or make it difficult to communicate with other people.
  • Being exploited or abused by others, leading to psychological difficulties.
  • Behaving in ways that other people find difficult or threatening – this can lead to contact with the police or courts.
  • Medication just doesnt work well enough for you. The illness affects your concentration, motivation and ability to organize yourself.
  • You also suffer from depression, anxiety and low self esteem.
  • You may struggle to manage everyday activities – like self-care, budgeting, shopping, cooking and managing your money.

The stigma of mental illness can be an added burden. It may be particularly difficult to find work, have a reasonable income, or to be included by other people. You may have to cope not only with a difficult mental illness, but also with the attitudes of other people.

  • Medication.
  • Talking therapies (e.g. cognitive behaviour therapy and specific work with families and careers).
  • Guidance on healthy living (e.g. diet, exercise and stopping smoking).
  • Help to reduce or stop alcohol and street drug use.
  • Support to manage everyday activities such as personal hygiene, laundry and more complex living skills such as budgeting, shopping and cooking.
  • As you get better, you will spend more time in the community.
  • Sometimes legal advice.
  • ANVITA will make you feel comfortable, safe and assist you to enjoy safe relationships with other people

The rehabilitation team includes psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers and YOU.

Contact Us

ANVITA, Deva Foundation, NH-7 Tumbalganje Chunar , Mirzapur-231304

+91 9305107331


The mission of ANVITA is to help women struggling with mental illness regains psychiatric stability and community integration. It helps bridge the gap to community living.


Meaningful activity in a healthy environment helps women suffering and struggling with mental illness to re-establish their self esteem and thus fosters recovery and reintegration into the community. ANVITA’s structured, simulated work environments teach social readiness skills such as adjustment, interaction, accountability, dependability, and affective involvement for better stay in community.

Pictures of ANVITA